
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2021

Born on a blue day

Hello Everyone! Today I think that I will finally finish the topic related to various types of disorders. Today I will tell you about a fascinating book that I started reading, but I haven't finished it yet, I hope I will do it soon. The book is called "Born on a blue day: inside the extraordinary mind of an autistic savant: a memoir" was written by Daniel Tammet. It is a kind of diary that tells us about the hero's life. First I will explain who a savant is, savant syndrome is a special state of mind that makes people with low IQs have above-average mental abilities. All savants have an excellent memory that allows them to remember a lot of information. The very character of the author of the book is extremely interesting. Daniel Tammet knows 11 different languages, is the European record holder in reciting 22 514 digits of the number pi from memory, it took him over 5 hours to give all the digits. For the purposes of a documentary, he was to learn Icelandic in 7

After Thomas

Hello Everyone! I just found out that I haven't told you about another important movie that I recently watched, which also deals with the topics I have touched on recently. It is a beautiful and very touching film called "After Thomas". The film is about a family in which a little son named Kyle has autism. The boy is a few years old, mainly his mother takes care of him, and his father is trying to earn money for their living. Mother is very committed to looking for suitable schools for Kyl or doing special exercises with him, she really wants him to be like other children. Sometimes the film shows very sad scenes when the mother completely loses her strength, when she screams out loud that he doesn't understand anything. I was also impressed by the scene when his mother says that he will never tell her that he loves her because he will never love her because he does not know what love is. I realized how people don't talk about such things as parents, apart from m